The accomplished fisherman, and more especially the newcomer to the sport, wants to learn about fishing in its broadest sense: What kind of fish do we have? Where are they found? What baits are best? Sea or fresh water? What rods, reels and ancillary equipment are needed? The Hamlyn Encyclopedia of Angling provides the answers to every aspect of sportfishing in fresh and salt water, all beautifully illustrated with carefully drawn, detailed artwork and specially selected colour photographs.
For easy access, the Hamlyn Encyclopedia of Angling is broken down into three main sections covering species, bait and tackle, all colour keyed for quick reference. No fewer than 35 fish species sought by the angler are described, together with the best fishing styles for each one. Special chapters cover the baits for coarse and sea angling, as well as the flies and lure for the game fisherman. Rods and reels, too, have their own sections, including those invaluable accessories that anglers need to help them gain the most pleasure from their sport.