Haute Magazine -- the Bible of High Fashion
The glitter-and-sizzle saga of high fashion, hot passion, and a vicious battle for power.
Between its covers lies the perfect reflection of the world it celebrates -- a world of beauty, wealth, and unimaginable glamour... of gorgeous women, sleek handsome men, the finest clothes, the choicest drugs, and the latest depravities... a world where last night's sworn secrets are tomorrow's gossip... where it's a compliment to be insulted be the right people and the worst shame is to be ignored.
And in that world, a battle royal is being waged between two women. Sylvia Harrington, Haute's editor, the most powerful woman in the world of fashion. Bright, bitchy, utterly ruthless, there's nothing she can't control -- except the truth in her own mirror. On the other side of this high-powered duel is Marcella Todd, the smart and beautiful fashion journalist who's fighting a battle on another front as well -- between her drive to sit on fashion's highest throne and her desire to be the right woman for the best man she's ever known, or loved... or risked losing.