This is a book to be prayed about. We have all been hurt and have hurt others we want release from our "bad" memories of ourselves or from physical sufferings... but so often our prayers are not answered to our liking.
HEALING OF MEMORIES offers profound insights into the mystery of Jesus and his life with us. Through the struggle of a lifetime we learn that self-centeredness is really a pitiable state and that sharing love is a sure sign of our true worth.
Confession is a way of learning about ourselves. It is a painful way but forgiveness is a painful process too. Through our forgiving we learn what love is like. God really wants to heal us to make us happy again but we must learn that plans he has for us and trust in his love.
HEALING OF MEMORIES describes a journey that will bring us out of pain and unhappiness into a deeper love and understanding of God, of others and of ourselves.