A Survivor of Cancer and Heart Attack Tells How He Used Holistic Techniques and a Spiritual Perspective as Well as Traditional Medicines in his Search for Wellness
All of the people who I was with began to leave me. Parts of me literally and physically, for I could feel my body being diminished, fell away, as if I were a snake shedding its layers of dead skin. I was afraid, for I thought I must be dying. But -- and this is the mystery and the miracle -- I did not die. I did not disappear. When I was gone, something else remained. Everything I am was gone, yet I continued to be.
Health, Hope & Healing is the incredible story of one man's inward journey through mind and body to heal himself when accepted medical procedures were not enough.
Despite being diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease, David Tate remained optimistic of full recovery. But after receiving a series of the standard radiation treatments, the cancer continued to spread throughout his body. Responding to an internal voice from a Higher Source, he began a search for alternative methods he could use in conjunction with traditional Western medicine. He explored the teachings of Edgar Cayce, meditation practice, spirituality workshops, acupuncture, even faith healing, taking from each insight and understanding which he incorporated into his own formula for wellness. As he grew, he gave up his career as a lawyer and pursued his dreams of becoming a psycho-therapist, a writer, and even a stand-up comic.
ISBN 9780871315946