Maximize your income and minimize your problemsWork less and make more money! Yes, you can if you are a Millionaire Landlord. Being a landlord is one of the time tested wealth building vehicles. It has been the finest source of afterburner income for hundreds of years. Yet at the same time, it is more than just renting our properties and collecting rents.
Azizi Ali, himself a landlord for over seven years, now shares his Millionaire techniques and secrets with you. This renowned author and speaker now teaches you how easy it is to maximize your profits and minimize your problems. This book is a must for all landlords and landlords to be!
You will discover:
- The benefits of property investment
- Where to own rental properties
- What type of properties make the best rentals
- The best financing for your purchases
- How to become a Millionaire Landlord
- How to ensure on time rental payments
- How to create more income on top of the rental
- How to reduce your maintenance problems ISBN:9789834056452