If you've heard that some people are born with a good memory and others with a poor one- don't believe it! Harry Lorayne states most emphatically There is no such thing as a poor memory, only a trained and untrained one. In this fascinating book you will learn how to:
- Greet people, instantly by name months even years after first meeting them.
- Memorise speeches or sales talks quickly and retain them indefinitely.
- Remember anecdotes, dates, telephone numbers, appointments, etc.
- Memorise the Morse Code in 30 minutes.
- Remember every card played in a game of bridge or whist.
- Learn a foreign language in a third of the usual time.
- Remember permanently articles you read in books or magazines.
Harry Lorayne, who has trained his own memory to the point where he is acclaimed as having the most phenomenal memory in the world, has written the most practical, lucid and effective memory-training book ever published.