In presenting the contents of this book on what are the paramount requirements of God for spiritual fulfillment and accomplish- ments may I state from the outset that the truth and declarations which are presented have come forth only through practical application of all the biblical principles contained within the pages of this study. It is one thing to discuss and advocate possibilities on the level of theory, but the truths to be shared throughout this book are "WORDS THAT LIVE TO ACCOMPLISH GOD'S PURPOSE IN YOU".
We exmaine our subject believing as you receive the truths presented, they will become a reality unto your own spirit, enabling you to perservere and move into "The Realm of the Miraculous" for your life.
I believe as each reader will present himself in sincere dedication to the purpose of God for his life that illumination and direction will (by the grace of God) be realized. This book is fundamental, biblical and authenic.