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How to Make a Fortune on the Information Superhighway: Everyone’s Guerrilla Guide to Marketing on the Internet and Other On-Line Services

By: Laurence A. Canter, Martha S. Siegel

Book Condition: Good
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RM21.90 RM18.62

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In April 1994, two immigration attorneys in Scottsdale, Arizona did something no one had ever done before. They advertised their legal services to approximately 6,000 of the 9,000 discussion groups called "Newsgroups" on the Global Internet, reaching tens of millions of people. Their innovative, money-making venture netted over 25,000 customer inquiries for one night's work. The two Internet pioneers, by spending only $20.00-the price of this book-brought in $100,000 worth of business. But they also received a flood of "flames"-E-mailed insults- from thousands of Internet users who did not want this part of the Internet used for business purposes. With one advertisement, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel became the focal point of the violent controversy that continues to rage over commercialization of the once strictly academic Internet.

In How to Make a Fortune on the Information Superhighway, Canter and Siegel tell you how to do what they did so successfully-make a for- tune advertising on the Internet. You'll get the whole story, explained in clear, nontechnical language. You'll discover that with some fairly simple ideas, a PC, a modem, and a telephone line, you can "cybersell" your way to wealth.


Additional information

Weight 540 g
Dimensions 242 × 162 × 25 mm




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ISBN 9780062701312