So you think you are a good manager? Have you ever stopped to examine your style of management?
How to make your Management Style more effective starts with a test to enable you to diagnose your own managerial style. It then goes on to help you understand exactly what effectiveness is.
The thrust of this book is effecting change in yourself, or you helping others to change, in order to improve effectiveness. The book examines the eight styles of management, the basic managerial skills and how they can be made more effective.
Effectiveness is the central issue in management. It is the manager's job to be effective. Some people think that effectiveness has something to do with 'trying hard". Effectiveness is not efficiency. Effectiveness is doing the right things, not doing things right.
Using his own famous 3-D Theory of Managerial Effectiveness, Bill Reddin gives plenty of practical hints on such topics as: self-awareness, increasing situational sensitivity, increasing style flexibility, increasing situational management skills, improving effectiveness through training and many more.
The book stresses application. It gives direct guidelines on how to change your own style, to understand better what gives rise to it, to analyse situations in more detail and how to measure your own effectiveness.