The seventh edition of International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures Prepares students and practicing managers for careers in a dynamic global environment wherein they will be responsible for effective strategic, organizational, and interpersonal management. While managing within international and cross-cultural contexts has been the focus of this text since the first edition, the seventh edition portrays the burgeoning level, scope and complexity of international business facing managers in the twenty-first century.
The seventh edition explores how recent developments and trends within a hyper-competitive global arena present managers with challenging situations and guides the reader as to what actions to take, and how to develop the skills necessary to design and implement global strategies, to conduct effective cross-national interactions and to mar age daily operations in foreign subsidiaries.
Global companies are faced with varied and dynamic environments in which they must accurately assess the political, legal, technological, competitive, and cultural factors that shape their strategies and operations. The fate of overseas operations depends greatly on the international manager's cultural skills and sensitivity, as well as the ability to carry out the company's strategy within the context of the host country's business practices.