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Intimate Portraits of Women in the Bible (Dust Jacket Missing)

By: Lee Roddy

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This book was born of one woman's spoken need. An informal survey of other women disclosed they, too, felt the same need but had not voiced it. It began shortly after Belle Roddy received Christ in her early forties. She had no

Christian background as an evangelical. She read the Bible and other books, but complained. "I don't understand the Bible too well, I don't find what I want in the books I've read about women. What I'd like is to understand how these women's stories relate to me, now, today. What were their emotions? How did they feel? I want to understand these women as human beings, like me. But I can't find out what they were really like."

That sparked my memory. E. Stanley Jones, the late missionary-statesman, had said something about, "If the Lord shows you a need, that's usually His way of inviting you to do something about it."

The nagging idea of Bible women as human beings turned me to researching. In the end, it seemed there was a need for a book by an evangelical Christian about Bible women from a new perspective: their human weakness and strengths, their frailties and accom- plishments. Some sources treated these scriptural women as plaster saints, far above mortals of today. Other sources judged some scriptural women by today's standards without consid- ering the culture and the times in which those women lived. Nowhere could I find a source that treated these women as they were: products of their time and culture, with human emotions, feelings and actions. 

Yet the Scriptures presented these women as real people who were thrust into all kinds of situations from slavery to queens, from small, petty beings to women of great capabilities, and how they reacted. Some were very good. Magnificent, in fact. Some were very bad. Some were between these extremes.

Some were not identified in Scripture, but their stories or a mention of them was deemed important enough that God's Holy Spirit guided the Bible writers to include them. Since all Scripture is given by divine inspiration, and is for our benefit, surely the lessons of these women's lives were put there by God's own purpose!

But, so far as I could determine, no one had written such a book. So, with trepidation, this work was begun. It was necessary to consult many authorities, for the job of a nonfiction writer today is essentially that of a good reporter. Read what the scholars have said, research what few ancient chroniclers have recorded about the culture and the period, and seek out the sources which add color and dimension to the tapestry of the Bible itself. It became a fascinating, challenging, and very rewarding search.


Additional information

Weight 451 g
Dimensions 221 × 143 × 24 mm


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ISBN 0915684640