Larry Burkett writes in the introduc- tion to this book: "The rules about investing given in God's Word still work Apply them and you will prosper over the long run. Violate them and you will lose all that you have worked so hard to accumulate. "Solemn but true words from someone who makes it his business to help people avoid the financial pitfalls that are so plentiful in our world today, and who has witnessed almost every fool- ish decision made by someone who once had money in his pockets.
In the pages that follow Larry offers his own approach to the world of invest- ments. Beginning with how understand- ing the economy can help make you a better investor, he proceeds to key princi- ples from God's Word, the best and worst investments, strategies to become debt- free by retirement no matter your present age, and evaluations of various types of investments. Also included is an exten- sive appendix, complete with names and addresses of many additional investment resources. ISBN:9780896938892