This understanding can be quite valuable because each of us must make various investment decisions during our lifetimes definitely as individuals, and possibly in our chosen careers.
My goal in this text is to help readers gain an appreciation of what is involved in
(1) understanding what the investment opportunities are,
(2) making good investment decisions, and
(3) recognizing where investment problems and controversies arise and knowing how to deal with them.
Since this book is designed as an introduction to investments, descriptive material must be and is thoroughly covered.
Equally important, however, the analytics of in- vestments are presented throughout the discussion to help students reason out investment issues for themselves and thus be better prepared when making real-world investment decisions.
Terminology and trading mechanisms may change, but learning to carefully analyze and evaluate investment opportunities will pay off under any circumstances.
The book is written for the first course in investments, generally taught at the ju- nior-senior level. Standard prerequisites include basic accounting, economics, and finan- cial management.
A course in statistics is very useful but not absolutely essential. I have sought to minimize formulas and to simplify difficult material, consistent with a presenta- tion of the subject that takes into account current ideas and practices.
* Examines portfolio analysis, valuation and management of stocks and bonds.
* This edition also discusses investing on the internet throughout the book, and offers a helpful list of the best websites to visit.