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Is the Bible Really the Work of God?

By: Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society

Book Condition: Good
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1 in stock


HAS the Almighty God provided a written guide for all mankind? Do you believe that the Bible is that guide? Or do you consider the Bible to be a "good book" written by wise men of ancient times-but no more than that?

There are people who are convinced that man-kind's Creator inspired the writing of the Bible. Others are not convinced. Why not? Many of these have never personally read the Bible, so, at best, they have only a hazy idea about what it contains. Some persons ask:

- How could reading the Bible, which was written centuries ago, be of real value to me in this modern world?
- How practical is the Bible for people who need to spend their time working hard to feed and clothe their families?
- If the Bible's influence is for good, why have the "Christian" nations destroyed so many human lives in war?
- What about the discoveries of science? Have they not shown that it is unwise to view all the accounts in the Bible as actual fact?
Perhaps you have asked some of these questions yourself. But what are the facts? Have you ever made a personal investigation to find out? If not, you should do so now.

Additional information

Weight 156 g
Dimensions 161 × 106 × 13 mm




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