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By: Bruno Alfieri

Book Condition: Very good
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Whilst I was engaged in the preparation of this book I had the pleasure of meeting Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, who was kind enough to wish me well as I followed the path which he pioneered thirty years ago when he wrote the first detailed history of the Jaguar marque. I count it an honour to have had some of those who have written about Sir William Lyons and his cars as professional contacts and friends, for the quality of their work sets a high standard for me to follow.

It is difficult, for instance, to match the detail of the late Andrew Whyte's work on Jaguar competitions, the depth of Paul Skilleter's know- ledge of the company's products or the complete- ness of Anders Clausager's coverage of production statistics, but my aim has not been to write another Jaguar book. What I have tried to do is to bring together for the first time a comprehensive chronological listing of all the products of Jaguar and the companies which preceded it. The catalogue lists every model and its main variants, with a short description of the car which places it in its historical context. I have tried to give basic technical data on every model and variant produced by the company, and separate data panels give details of the various engines fitted to the production cars of Jaguar and its predecessors.