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Jewish Activities in the United States (Vol. 2-Vol. 4)

By: Henry Ford

Book Condition: Good
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This bundle consists Jewish Activities in the United States (Vol. 2-Vol. 4).

A FORMER volume, containing the first twenty articles in the series of Jewish studies which began their appearance in THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT of May 22, 1920, dealt largely with the theory of the Jewish World Program. The present volume gives a general view of some of the evidence which illustrates and substantiates that Program. As the first volume brought the subject forward a step, the present volume brings it forward another step. The Question is a very big one, the material is of mountainous proportions, so that it is very desirable that there be simplicity of method. The method therefore has been to lay the observable everyday facts alongside the Program, to see if they agree. It will be time enough to take up the authenticity of the Protocols when the parallel between them and the activities of the Jewish leaders is shown.

The articles thus far printed remain unanswered. They have been denounced and misrepresented, but not answered. A favorite evasion of Jewish editors is to say that the statements made about the Jews could be made about any other race, and that no race could refute the statements with facts. But these statements have not been made about any other race and could they be? If they were made about, say the Hungarians, Poles, Rumanians, Italians, English, Scotch, Irish, Russian or Syrian in our midst, could they not be met?

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Weight 1090 g
Dimensions 215 × 139 × 52 mm




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