Attitudes and Social Cognition
- Social Identity Mapping Online Sarah V. Bentley, Katharine H. Greenaway, S. Alexander Haslam, Tegan Cruwys, Niklas K. Steffens, Catherine Haslam, and Ben Cull
- Being "Good" or "Good Enough": Prosocial Risk and the Structure of Moral Self-Regard
Julian J. Zlatev, Daniella M. Kupor, Kristin Laurin, and Dale T. Miller
Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes
- The Social Advantage of Miscalibrated Individuals: The Relationship Between Social Class and Overconfidence and Its Implications for Class-Based Inequality
Peter Belmi, Margaret A. Neale, David Reiff, and Rosemary Ulfe
- Drawing the Diversity Line: Numerical Thresholds of Diversity Vary by Group Status
Felix Danbold and Miguel M. Unzueta
- Twice-Told Tales: Self-Repetition Decreases Observer Assessments of Performer Authenticity
Rachel Gershon and Rosanna K. Smith
Personality Processes and Individual Differences
- Nostalgia and Well-Being in Daily Life: An Ecological Validity Perspective
David B. Newman, Matthew E. Sachs, Arthur A. Stone, and Norbert Schwarz
- Longitudinal Associations Between Trait Neuroticism and Negative Daily Experiences in Adolescence
Jeroen Borghuis, Wiebke Bleidom, Klaas Sijtsma, Susan Branje, Wim H. J. Meeus, and Jaap J. A. Denissen
- The Language of Well-Being: Tracking Fluctuations in Emotion Experience Through Everyday Speech
Jessie Sun, H. Andrew Schwartz, Youngseo Son, Margaret L. Kern, and Simine Vazire
- Development of Loneliness in Midlife and Old Age: its Nature and Correlates
Tilmann von Soest, Malke Luhmann, Thomas Hansen, and Denis Gerstorf