Have you ever met someone at a party and later turned to say good-bye, only to realize you had completely forgotten his or her name? Or have you found yourself wandering aimlessly through the grocery store because you forgot your list and couldn't remember what you needed to buy? Like most people, you probably think you have a bad memory. "Impossible," says memory expert Kevin Trudeau. "There are no bad memories; only trained and untrained memories."
According to Trudeau, all of us have photo-graphic memories; we just need to learn to retrieve what we know. Over one million people-business professionals, students, seniors, and more have benefited from Trudeau's home study system. Now they and millions more can use the updated, streamlined techniques in this book to increase their memory power as never before.
Kevin Trudeau's Mega Memoryโข is designed to unlock the hidden potential of your mind without hours of rigorous study. The Mega Memory exercises go far beyond the laborious word association most people consider the norm in memory training. These techniques actually stimulate the brain's
neurotransmitters, helping them perform more efficiently. Best of all, in only thirty minutes or less a day you can reap the full benefits of the Mega Memory system.
The result: instant recall of anything important to you-names, phone numbers, schoolwork, financial data, speeches, and more. And not only will you remember information for the next meeting, exam, or presentation, you will remember it weeks and even months later you will have long-term Mega Memory. To reap these incredible rewards from Kevin Trudeau's Mega Memoryโข all you need is a positive attitude and the desire to unleash your Mega Memory. ISBN:9780688135829