You've read numerous parenting books that give specific instructions on what to do to correct or improve your child's behavior. Yet these instructions don't seem to have solved the problem. What do you do if your child's misbehavior persists or even gets worse?
"If a child is misbehaving over and over again, you need to interpret that as a warning sign that something is wrong in the family," say Doctors Warren and Hemfelt. "And that 'something' may go back as far as three generations."
In Kids Who Carry Our Pain, Doctors Warren and Hemfelt show parents how to change their relationship with their children by walking the entire family through the counseling process used at the Minirth-Meier Clinic.
Parents learn how to help their children answer the essential questions of growing up: "Who am I inside me?" "Who am I in my family?" and "Who am I in my community?" Parents look at their own childhoods, their marriage, and their parental relationship with their children. Then the doctors bring the family together in joint counseling sessions to help them adopt new methods of relating to one another and find new ways of handling the stress of everyday life.