Krishnamurti is one of the most radical thinkers of our century. His life goal was to set people completely and unconditionally free, to help them find a freedom whose only peer is Love.
Peter Michel has written the first independent analysis of the most elusive spiritual teacher this century has known. He writes as an author with no direct connection to Krishnamurti and his teachings, able to present a critical and unbiased assessment of his life and works. He draws on the testimonies of those who accompanied Krishnamurti throughout his life. He also uses material from the early years of The Theosophical Society to shed some light on the mysterious events of the years 1909 to 1929.
This biography has a two-part structure. In Part One, the author addresses the mystery of Krishnamurti, basing his commentary on Krishnamurti's mystical processes and on various psychological elements. Part Two contains a con- centrated synthesis of the main aspects of Krishnamurti's teachings.
Michel's book is particularly important because it draws from sources not used before, includes documentation of numerous personal experiences, and examines the com- ments of Krishnamurti's critics as well as his many supporters. The author also examines in detail the recent accusation that Krishnamurti actually hid certain aspects of his personal relationships.
The book also includes numerous references to the most recent documentation of Krishnamurti's teachings and to a variety of secondary literature.