Lali's Passage is the quirky story of a beautiful young Burmese lady who escapes from a Thai brothel and embarks upon manifold adventures over three continents.FOREWORD
The main character was inspired by a romantic relationship the author recently had with a Burmese lady. She has since become incognito, presumably blended back in to her former environs. Her name is Momo, but that would hardly help in finding her, because 4 of the women in Burma are named Momo (another quarter are named Lali, which is Burmese for 'pretty'). Because of her aloof lifestyle, she may never know about this book - though she would recognize herself instantly if someone were to read certain sections to her. Too bad, because it's dedicated to her..
The many quirky comparisons between life in Southeast Asia and life in the west are liable to ruffle some feathers among some Asians who are sensitive about 'face'. So be it. For further comparisons, one can peruse the web pages at