Symptomatic of the new Australian lifestyle of the seventies is an unswerving dedication to immature consumerism, mortgaged luxury, brick-veneered suburbia and unearned leisure.
In this controversial new book Ronald Conway, author of the best-seller The Great Australian Stupor, takes the theme that the most influential political, social and cultural values come from the family and close personal relationships. In the absence of these traditional supports, Australians are turning to an alternative peer-group lifestyle based on a form of superficial 'mateship' and values rejected rather than embraced.
Land of the Long Weekend delves deeply into the private lives and public attitudes of Australians and finds at the heart of their unquenchable thirst for stimulation and novelty the breakdown of the family unit. Its alternative is frightening...
Ronald Conway, a well-known writer and public speaker, is senior lecturer in applied psychology at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and senior consulting psychologist at St Vincent's Hospital.