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Land, People and Economy in Malaya

By: Ooi Jin-Bee, S. H. Beaver (Ed.)

Book Condition: Good
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I have attempted in these pages to provide a modern systematic study of Malaya which is sufficiently comprehensive to serve as a basic text for students, and as a source of detailed information for other readers, in Malaya and elsewhere, who would like to know more about this rapidly developing country. The first part of the book deals with the natural setting of the Malay Peninsula, the second with the evolution, distribution and composition of the population, and the third with the economic patterns.

I have, in writing this book, drawn on my native knowledge of the country, and have in addition consulted a great number of sources, the most important of which are listed in the bibliography. I have also discussed various aspects of this work with experts and officials in the Federation of Malaya and in Singapore, and I would like to place on record my thanks to them for their advice and suggestions. I am, of course, solely responsible for all statements and opinions expressed in the book. ISBN GEOGRAPHIESFO

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Weight 709 g
Dimensions 219 × 146 × 34 mm




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