No one can accomplish all their goals alone. We have to work with.. others, most of whom we can't tell what to do or how to do it. This problem becomes more acute as organizations become more horizontal, Yet collaboration is difficult; people have different ideas and approaches. Conflict seems inevitable.
Roger Fisher, internationally known for the best-selling Getting to Yes, has teamed up with Alan Sharp to write a guide to improving collaboration to get things done when you're not in charge - no matter what the task or situation. Gleaned from Fisher and Sharp's years of experience as negotiators, mediators and consultants to organizations, Lateral Leadership spells out the detailed strategies required to work effectively with others and to get them to work effectively with you. It explains how best to help a group formulate a clear common vision of the results to be achieved, overcome the unavoidable clashes of multiple views and work styles, develop agreed courses of action and get them implemented.