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LDCs: Building Capacity for Mainstreaming Gender in Development Strategies

By: United Nations

Book Condition: Very good
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1 in stock


There is a growing body of evidence that empowering women will have a direct impact on development. This came through strongly at the workshop on "LDCs: Building capacities to mainstream gender in development strategies." The debates and results, embodied in this publication are at the forefront of current thinking, and are leading the shift from promoting economic growth to a growth that has a positive impact on the lives of the people it serves.

The workshop focussed on exploring the linkages between quality growth and gender equality, in the context of helping to tackle the rising incidence of poverty and the disproportionate burden borne by women. And from these linkages, the obstacles, capacities and opportunities that allow Governments to bring a gender dimension to their development policies.

This publication includes chapters on poverty reduction, national budgets, trade, statistics and private and public sector initiatives. Along with the Cape Town declaration and a selection of practical recommendations, the challenge now is to formulate strategies for addressing the issue of quality growth and gender equality in a manner that leads to lasting and meaningful change.

Additional information

Weight 897 g
Dimensions 298 × 213 × 23 mm


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