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Learn From the Great Teacher


Book Condition: Very good
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RM27.90 RM25.11

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ALL parents participate in an event that is yond full human understanding. They contribute a part of themselves. As a result, what develops within the mother is a fly formed living person. It is not surprising therefore, that when a baby is born, people speak of the event as "the miracle of birth."

Of course, producing children is only the beginning of the responsibility of parents. At first, human babies are almost entirely dependent, but as they grow, they need more than physical attention. They need help to develop mentally, emotionally, morally, and spiritually.

To realize wholesome development, children especially need the love of parents. Although verbal expressions of love are important, actions need to back up the words. Yes, children need a good parental example. They need moral guidance, principles by which to live. And they need these from their tender years on. Heartbreaking things can and do happen when children do not receive help until it is too late.

The best principles that can be found anywhere are those found in the Bible. Instruction based on the Bible has unique advantages. Through such instruction, children come to realize that what they are being told is, not what some human says, but what their Creator, their heavenly Father, says. This gives the counsel strength that cannot be equaled.

Additional information

Weight 395 g
Dimensions 228 × 178 × 12 mm


Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages