The sensation of floating out of the body... entering a dark tunnel reviewing a life panorama... encountering a brilliant gold light
This common near-death experience, described by Dr. Raymond Moody and Elisabeth Kรผbler-Ross, is scientifically examined for the first time in-
Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut and president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies. After an objective, two-year study that in- cluded interviews with over one hundred survivors of near or clinical death, Dr. Ring documents:
The frequency and stages of a typical near-death experience
The effect on the NDE of cause of death: illness, accident, suicide
The influence of age, sex, education, and religious conviction
The impact on later life
This landmark book will profoundly change attitudes toward death-and life.
"The first carefully researched book that distills answers in a field that has been anecdotal." -Choice
"A very interesting and provocative contribution"
-STANISLAV GROF, The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
"Enthralling speaks directly to all of us"
-Denver Post