Kenny Lee is 19. When he was 9, he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). He spends most of his time at Beautiful gate, a home for the disabled where he lives and the hospital. His mother passed away 3 years ago. His father, a taxi driver, is coping with colon cancer. Kenny's younger sister Peggy lives at a different home.Few DMD patients survive past 20 years old. When volunteers Esther and Chin Chin met him, his doctor gave him less than a month to live, 5 months on, they're still raising crucial funds for his care. Kenny would sometimes be denied the chance to relive his bowels, let a lone shower, for a few days.
This is a true story about a courages teenager determined to make the best of life and enjoy the advantages most teenagers take for granted every day. This book is a testament of the power of faith and determination to make a positive difference, not only in Kenny's life, but also in the lives of those in our society who can greatly benefit from lessons in life by a wheelchair-bound boy suffering from a daily life threatening, debilitating condition. ISBN:9789671349007