Every List is a Treasure!Over half a million people can’t be wrong. Business professionals, parents, athletes, teenagers, pastors, and everyone who wants a better life are applauding the Lists to Live By books. By popular request, this bestselling series returns with a fourth collection of two hundred powerful and engaging lists, with topics such as success, simplicity, love, romance, faith, parenting, retirement, and wisdom. This book is a motivational tool, a reference volume, a discussion starter, and an enjoyable read—all rolled into one! Read this collection and it will change the way you live.
Lists Will Change Your Life!
For good…for better…for best.
In the busyness of each moment, it’s hard not to forget something —even when you’re trying to remember it all! Lists books help you keep timeless priorities in mind and refuse to let the “tyranny of the urgent” reign in your day.
In this fourth collection of powerful and engaging Lists to Live By, you’ll find treasures that will challenge you, strengthen you, and help you to focus more on those important things that all-too-frequently get pushed aside.
Grow stronger relationships. Nurture your health. Strengthen your character…and change your life with this dynamic resource.
A reference volume, motivational tool, discussion starter—and a wonderfully enjoyable read—the jewels within these pages will sparkle throughout time and light your way from good to great each day. ISBN:9781590520598