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By: Tan Jin Huat (Ed.)

Book Condition: Good
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RM19.90 RM17.91

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The question of the relationship between Scripture and Mission and Evangelism is like the question of the relationship between the chicken and the egg: which one produces the other? If for a moment we put mission and evangelism together as the mission of the Church, the question then becomes a question into the relationship between the Scripture, or more precisely, the Bible and the mission of the Church. There are those who hold that the Scriptures of the New Testament would not exist without the community of faith that compiled them. Others disagree. But it seems to me that the issue is better seen as masterly illustration of the phenomena of mutuality and interdependence. That is, the Church came about through the proclamation of the Word of God as Abram was called by God (Gen 12). According to Paul, that calling constituted the preaching of the Gospel to Abram (Gal 3:8), the faith which Abraham exercised was a result of his having heard the word from God. This word from God, both Paul and Peter argue, is the source of saving faith (Rom 10:17) and the means of rebirth (1 Pet 1:23) as well as the instrument of liberation or freedom (John 8:32) and sanctification for those who believe (John 17:17).

Additional information

Weight 148 g
Dimensions 208 × 149 × 5 mm




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