Malaysian Studies is written as a reference book for students in private higher educational institutions studying the course (LAN 1003) at Diploma and Bachelor degree levels. This book can also be used by students in public institutions of higher learning as well as all Malaysian citizens who wish to find out more about the country from its conception to date. The text builds a personal understanding of how the country was formed and how it has evolved while emphasizing on the national experience, values and identity. It also offers an insight into the country's significant developments and the individuals involved in the process of historical change. The knowledge gained from using this book will be beneficial in understanding how the society we live in came to be and in laying the foundation for citizens who are solid, proud and patriotic.
The book contains 16 chapters, covering all the main themes in the syllabus including historical aspects; administration systems and law; the nation's principles; socioeconomic growth and development; and community spirit, as well as current issues affecting the country today in the chapters 'Malaysia in the Globalisation Era'; '1Malaysia'; and 'Development of the Role Model Malaysian!
Key features
โข Based on the Malaysian Studies syllabus (LAN 1003)
โข Learning objectives are listed at the start of each chapter
โข Mind maps are provided to show the link between each topic
โข Bibliography and websites available for each chapter
โข Complete answer key provided for MCQs (in book) and structured questions plus essays (available on Oxford Fajar's website)