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Manual of Medical Therapeutics: 26th Edition
By: William Clairborne Dunagan (Ed.), Michael L. Ridner (Ed.)
Book Condition: Good
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RM21.90 RM19.71
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A trusted friend to generations of physicians, the Washington University Manual of Medical Therapeutics offers real help in making difficult clinical decisions. For 45 years, students and house officers have relied on "Wash U" to get them through nights on the ward.Twenty-four chapters present current therapeutic alternatives for all common medical disorders. Concise discussions of diagnosis and pathophysiology focus only on what is relevant to the effective treatment of disease. Logically organized summaries, boldface headings, plentiful tables, and the handy spiral binding that opens to lie flat all make the Manual the first choice of busy clinicians. Its rational, comprehensive approach to medical therapy makes "Wash U" a valuable companion many years after training has been completed. Make decisions confidently-with the Washington University Manual of Medical Therapeutics, Twenty-Sixth Edition, at your side.