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Marriage Works!: Seeds for Growing a Great Marriage
By: Mike Constantine
Book Condition: Very good
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RM25.90 RM23.31
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STRANGE THING ABOUT fairy tales-they never describe what happens after the valiant hero marries the beautiful princess. Then again, perhaps those authors did us all a big favour by not going down that road since we were so young and impressionable. Those stories would have taken a very realistic and down-to-earth turn-definitely not fairy tale or fantasy material!Nonetheless, does that mean we must expect and accept the common belief that, after awhile, married life "usually becomes dry, hopeless, irritating, stressful and purposeless? That "this happens to every couple"? The answer is no! Here's the good news, although fairy tale beginnings fade away, the best is yet to come. According to Mike Constantine, "Good things don't just happen you must sow the seed to reap the improvement." And this is what Marriage Works! can help you withThis book gives you some powerful principles and practical ideas that can transform you and your marriage. Put them into action, and you will reap a loving, fulfilling and lasting marriage.No matter whether you are about to be married, just married, or marriage veterans, Marriage Works! can help you grow a great marriage.