The expertise of Mayo Clinic is available to you in this practical guide to treating more than 100 of today's most common health concerns, ranging from allergies and asthma to ankle sprains, sore throat and stomach flu. Mayo Clinic 230 Home Remedies answers many questions and concerns about your health. The information is straightforward, easy to understand and easy to find, with topics arranged in alphabetical order.
The "Medical Help" segment with each topic identifies serious signs and symptoms and advises you on when to contact a doctor or other health care provider and what kind of treatment you might expect. At the back of the book is an Emergency Care section that provides quick referral to information you'll need in the event of an emergency, be it stroke, heart attack, poisoning or bone fracture.
Mayo Clinic Home Remedies is based on the premise that there are many things you can do at home to stay healthy, relieve symptoms, improve emotional health, feel invigorated and enjoy a higher quality of life. This book doesn't replace the advice of your doctor or other health care providers, but it can help you manage common problems safely at home or at work and may prevent a trip to the clinic or emergency room.