On July 3rd 1905, the first medical school to serve Malaya and Singapore was founded in Singapore. It was named the Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School and later the King Edward VII College of Medicine. The author traces the history and growth of the School and College leading many years later to the establishment in Kuala Lumpur of the University of Malaya Medical Center, a new medical school and teaching hospital. The story of these developments and problems on medical education and governance arising therefrom is told by Tan Sri Professor TJ Danaraj in his book. He writes from his personal knowledge and experience of medical schools in Singapore and Malaysia.
The author is well known in Malaysia, Singapore and overseas medical schools for his contributions to medical education and research. He studied medicine at the King Edward VII College of Medicine in Singapore, graduated in 1938 and before World War II served in hospitals in Singapore and Malaya. The post-war era saw many developments, political and otherwise. Public pressure developed for increased medical manpower, new medical schools and a University and Professor Danaraj was involved in all these efforts. He joined the academic staff of the King Edward VII College of Medicine which later became a founding faculty of the first University of Malaya. He remained on the staff of the new Faculty eventually becoming its Dean. In 1963 he was appointed Foundation Dean to establish the Medical Centre of the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. He was Dean and Professor of Medicine for 12 years. After retirement he helped establish a new Faculty of Medicine and teaching hospital at the King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, returning in 1980 to Kuala Lumpur where he continues to teach medical students.
ISBN 967-978-246-8