Men In White is the inside story of one of the world's most successful political parties. Narrated in three parts, it is oral history spun in a journalistic mode and spiced unapologetically with anecdotes, quotes and human interest to breathe life into past events. Three writers from The Straits Times backed by four researchers conducted some 300 interviews in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong and China.The result is a dramatic account of the PAP ' warts, blemishes
and all ' and of the pivotal moments in its history which
changed the course of Singapore forever.
PART ONE tells how a Cambridge-educated lawyer and his anglicised associates collaborated with radical Chinese-speaking trade unionists to drive out the British colonialists and how they fought each other to the bitter end.
PART TWO captures the agonies of leadership renewal and charts the ascent of Goh Chok Tong who succeeded Lee as the second prime minister. It ends with Lee Hsien Loong taking over from Goh in 2004 and leading the party to victory in the 2006 polls.
PART THREE wraps up the PAP story by delving into the key
principles that characterise Singapore governance and concludes with the intriguing poser: Will PAP outlive LKY? ISBN:9789814266512