In this book Michael Green takes the reader through the rugby world from A to Z. Or rather from the annual meeting of an incompetent old boys' side where the unsuccessful candidate for the third team captaincy sulks in the car park, to the saga of Zebra Atkinson, a Black Country forward with unfortunate habits.
In between there are chapters on such topics as famous (and infamous) rugby grounds, spectators, universities, X-ray departments and rugby cowards. There is a section on the importance of religion in rugby which includes some useful prayers to meet various situations on the field. There is also a selection of valuable excuses for the rugby man and interesting advice on how to make the best use of half-time. Those who have followed the adventures of Fiona, the with-it rugby girl from the stockbroker belt will find her in another alarming situation with her chinless and brainless boy-friend, Rodney.