Authors Tim LaHaye and David Noebel are sounding trumpets of alarm, calling us to wake up and defend our right to believe and behave as Christians.Already Christianity has been silenced in our schools and driven from the public arena. Abortion rights, gay and lesbian rights, feminist rights, and atheists' rights have virtually eclipsed any rights Christians used to enjoy.
The authors insist that the conflict is between the biblical Christian and the Secular Humanist worldviews. This is a battle for our minds, a war to decide whether our thoughts will be shaped by the wisdom of men like Marx, Darwin, Freud, and Neitzche, or by the wisdom God shared through Moses, the prophets, the apostles, and Jesus.
Drs. LaHaye and Noebel urge Christians to understand and combat the five basic tenets of Secular Humanism:
Dr. LaHaye says, "This book examines and explains Secular Humanism in simple terms so that the man on the street and in the pew can both understand its danger and be motivated to oppose it." As Christians, we dare not remain neutral in this battle. Elijah challenged Baal on Mt. Carmel. Our Lord backed down Satan in the desert. The apostle Paul took on the pagan philosophers on Mars Hill. In the same way, God's servants today must rise up to oppose Satan's strategies to take over our land.