Why do technological disasters occur, and how can we prevent them? How do we design technological systems that enhance human life rather than imperil it? How do we live with the technology we have created?
In Minding the Machines, William M. Evan and Mark Manion offer a systematic and provocative guide to preventing technological disasters. They reveal the hidden patterns and commonalities beneath more than 30 of the worst technological tragedies of recent history-and identify powerful preventive measures that address every key area of risk.
Minding the Machines throws light on:
โ Technological disasters: theories and root causes
From systems theory to terrorism and counter-terrorism measures
โ Strategic responses to key risk factors
Attacking the four key causes of disaster
โ Technical design failures-and the organizational failures connected to them
How communications failures lead to system failures, and what to do about it
โ Socio-cultural failures: the lessons of Bhopal
Two comparable Union Carbide plants: one safe in West Virginia, one murderous in India
โ The responsibilities of institutions, the responsibilities of individuals
What corporate managers, engineers, scientists, and government officials can do
โ Participatory technology: the central role of the citizen
Why citizens must play a far more active part in decisions about technology