D on't let your fears and uncertainties about money control your spending behavior. Taking control of your finances does not have to be hard-it's actually very simple. Money Mastery in Just Minutes a Day makes money management a snap by providing an easy-to-use, step-by-step guide that takes only minutes a day to implement. This proven program will empower you to master your money for life!
By becoming aware of your negative financial attitudes, you'll have the power to overcome the fears, worries, and doubts you have about money. Packed with self-assessment exercises and action plans, this hands-on book will guide you, step-by-step, to financial freedom. In Money Mastery in Just Minutes a Day, nationally acclaimed author Fred Waddell makes money management simple, by showing you how to:
โข Analyze and overcome your financial fears and inhibitions
โข Set and achieve financial goals
โข Increase your cash flow
โข Create a realistic spending plan
โขDevelop and profit from your own Money Mastery Action Plan
By using the Money Mastery techniques for just a few minutes a day, you will quickly gain the confidence you need to take control of your money and gain peace of mind. This proven, easy-to-use program has helped thousands of people just like you master their money and their lives.