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Mysteries of Magnetic Energies

By: Yuri P. Tkachenko

Book Condition: Very good
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RM79.90 RM71.91

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How often we believed ourselves to be rulers, not thinking for a moment that besides magnificence and pride, we have a great responsibility towards the destiny of nature. How surprising Man can be. From the very moment of his appearance on the Earth he began to reconstruct the surrounding world. Man was not satisfied at all by the beautiful and perfect Earth, generously presented to him by the Lord. There is no need to explain what cultivation, fantasy and genius provoked interference with every passing age. It is quite enough to have a look around ourselves to see the fruits of our deeds. In this book no burning ecological problems will be tackled. Though, I am quite sure that the moment of truth will come when Man will learn how to love and understand Nature. But I would like to concentrate our attention only on one, probably the most important mechanism of Nature with the help of which the management of the world is happening. This mechanism suffered as a result of our interference and badly needs our emergency attention. And this mechanism is called the magnetic field of the earth!

Most probably it has never occurred to any of us to decide to change the fingers on the hand with the help of surgery! This would be stupid, as every finger has its own place and fulfills its own functions. But, as it seems, whatever we cannot do with ourselves we can do with the Earth! I will cite only one example which will help you to understand the causes of the catastrophic changes of the geomagnetic state of the Earth. Everything that is surrounding us on the Earth (oceans, mountain ranges, forests, glaciers, etc.) have their specific functions and nobody doubts it. Deposits of iron ore also fulfill their specific function, and their deposits are concentrated in certain places of the Earth.


Additional information

Weight 750 g
Dimensions 240 × 161 × 20 mm


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