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Naturally Dietsyle: Fundamentals of Holistic Nutrition made Practical and easy

By: Ruha V, Enrico Falgiani

Book Condition: Very good
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After 6,000 years of civilization, modern science has made it possible for us to identify and control viruses and bacteria. With modern technology, we have even put a man on the moon. Yet, for the first time in history, food-related diseases have become a major concern to our society.
What happened to the good old saying "let food be your medicine"? It looks like we are not really applying it nowadays. The thing is, unbalanced lifestyles and modern engineered food have made us lose touch with both Nature and our own body, which is taking a heavy toll on our health.
The solution? Holistic Nutrition, easy and accessible, for everyone.
Follow us on this journey, learn how to feed your body naturally, without complicated and stressful diets. Learn how to reconnect with Nature, by means of the most ancient and basic methods.
Be the master of your own well-being. It is all about a simple and natural... DIETSTYLE

Additional information

Weight 370 g
Dimensions 204 × 128 × 27 mm




Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

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ISBN 9789671818701