MALAYSIANS want a Better Malaysia for all the rakyat: advanced, prosperous and based on happiness. In order to realise it, we need real change: political change and institutional reform. We need to put the right culture and system in place, so that every Malaysian is able to unleash his or her full potentials. It is about making our
democracy works.
This book discusses the 'how'. New Politics is a perjuangan (struggle), a holistic process of doing better politics based on values and bringing our politics to a higher level where our democracy becomes mature. We need to push for further democratisation. We must end 'politics of race' with religious undertone, come up with a new multiracial political thought and realise the true meaning of moderation. We need to replace the old political configuration - 'consociationalism', which is race based, with a new and better political configuration which is multiracial and moderate.' ISBN:9789672066095