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Nursing OSCEs: A Complete Guide to Exam Success
By: Catherine Cabellero, Fiona Creed, Clare Gochmanski, Jane Lovegrove
Book Condition: Like new
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RM59.90 RM53.91
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In order to succeed in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), nursing students need to know not just what an OSCE involves, but how to undertake the skill correctly at each OSCE station. This book is a complete guide on how to prepare for an OSCE with step-by-step instructions for the ten most common OSCE stations that nursing students can face. Specific stations range from asceptic non-touch technique, communication and observations, to more highly pressured skills such as medication administration, resuscitation and assessing a deteriorating patient. Nursing OSCEs: a complete guide to exam success covers these skills and more in a clearly structured and concise way. Each OSCE chapter outlines: * DT Key revision material enabling quick and complete revision * DT Step by step instructions on how to perform the skill in an OSCE, * DT An example examiners marking sheet, so studetns know the criteria they will be measured against * DT Typical questions an examiner may ask and suggested answers * DT Common errors to avoid and top tips for success. With over 70 illustrations and videos of four OSCE stations, it demonstrates how to pass key stations. Bonus online material includes colour photographs and Powerpoints for revision at (http: // This book is ideal for nursing students preparing for OSCE as well as for lecturers, mentors and practising nurses involved in student education.