These were parts of a devotional passage which Hannah believed God had used to lead her to write her story.
This story depicts of her miraculous survival through 33 years of being a thalassaemia major, 20 years of diabetes, a life threatening heart condition, three car accidents, breakdown. severe depression and a mental
She shares of her search for the much-wanted healing; she had tirelessly sought the many doctors and gone for all the healing rallies in vain. This led her to desperation for God's ultimate answer.
It's a story of her faith, courage and determination over three decades during which God's power, sustenance and protection were evident in her life.
It's also a story of her daily struggles as a transfusion dependant thalassaemic and an insulin dependent diabetic. She shares how she manages her condition and eventually overcame them.
Finally, her story reveals how she discovers God's purpose for her life and how He uses her to share His love to others