PANDORA ATHENEUS ANDROMAECHE HELENA (or Pandy, for short) has always been a little too curious for her own good. So it's hardly a surprise when she discovers a simple box, said to contain something so terrifying and horrible that no one must ever, ever open it. Pandy knows she shouldn't bring it to school, but it's sooo neat and way cooler than showing off her dad's liver in a jar (again).
Of course, the box accidentally gets opened, seven kinds of evil and misery are unleashed into the world, Athens starts to crumble, death and destruction are everywhere You get the picture. Hauled before Zeus, Hera, and the rest of the immortals, Pandy is ordered to collect all the evils within six months or officially become the most unpopular maiden in Athens and ruin the world forever, too. oh yeah, and ruin the world forever, too.