In a small Chinese village during the Tang Dynasty, an unsure young woman defies the rigid conventions of her society to become a gifted paper mage-one who creates magic with the ancient art of paper folding. Because her skills are in demand for the protection they can offer, Xiao Yen must leave her loved ones behind and embark on a dangerous mission escorting two foreigners and their cargo through the darkest reaches of the Middle Kingdom. She accepts the responsibility with a heart burdened by the obligations of duty and a bittersweet longing for what she fears she will never have: a quiet life with a family of her own.
Just when her journey seems almost more than she can bear, Xiao Yen encounters a goddess who desperately needs help in her battle against a barbaric warlord. Unable to refuse the goddess's plea, Xiao Yen prepares for what she believes will be her most perilous challenge. Yet she has no idea that this looming adventure will shape her very destiny....