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Path to Paradise

By: Muhamad Imran

Book Condition: Good
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In fact, it is due to Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that we have got the gracious faith of Islam as a boon and a blessing. It is because of him that we are Muslims-the best of nations. "Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency" (3:110) Our worldly happiness and eternal salvation are his special gifts, should we, of course, be true Muslims, his true followers. Therefore, all our thanksgivings and gratitude are in the first instance, due to Allah and then to His beloved Prophet. This being the position, it is really a tragedy that we do not derive lessons and benefits from the Prophet's teachings, as his faithful followers ought to do. We are, on the contrary, gradually losing sight of the ideals that we are bound to uphold as the ummah.

The Holy Prophet's life is so vast, so varied, so complete and so perfect as has never been witnessed in the world before. His whole life is a practical model, a fine specimen for his followers under a Divine sanction. In order that we can follow him in all the spheres of our life, it is essential that he and his teachings are always kept in mind. For this purpose it is imperative that his teachings, ideals and life events are high-lighted very frequently to enable us to do some heart-searching and stock-taking as to how far we have been the true followers of the Holy Prophet.

Additional information

Weight 181 g
Dimensions 215 × 140 × 8 mm


Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 08171012612