Public debate about pay tends to concentrate on prospects for inflation and to ignore a crucial related issue, the role of reward in managing people. Yet any company truly committed to recruiting, motivating and retaining the best employees needs to acquire a basic level of pay literacy and to look to the achievements of leading-edge organisations.
Today, many are reviewing their remuneration systems, seeking to reward performance within tight pay ceilings and to forge closer links with their overall business strategies. This book brings together the expertise of academics, consultants and leading personnel practitioners, who set the scene, outline the main theoretical approaches to remuneration and analyse some stimulating examples. The Civil Aviation Authority, Customs and Excise, Derby City General Hospital and the Employment Service illuminate trends in the public sector, while private industry is represented by First Direct, ICL, Mercury and Rover. A final chapter on 'managing the paradoxes' draws out the practical lessons.ISBN:9780852926147