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Perspectives on Organizing Crime: Essays in Opposition
By: Alan A. Block
Book Condition: Good
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This work is a selection of essays written over the last decade analyzing organized crime from several unique angles. Subtitled 'Essays in Opposition' the chapters reflect a series of critiques concerning the substantial historical, sociological, indeed empirical errors rampant in traditional accounts of organized crime. Moreover, new ground is broken in fields often overlooked by organized crime scholars. Select chapters enhance our understanding of European drug traffickers working not only in Europe but also in the Middle East and Asia in the period between the two world wars, of state sponsored organized crime as exemplified in political assassinations, and of the environmental impact caused by organized crime's presence in the hazardous waste disposal industry. Other chapters concentrate on certain ambiguities evident in organized crime control. One reveals the inner turmoil experienced by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service which ended-up protecting organized crime's off-shore financial interests, while another discusses the contradictions at the heart of America's wars on drugs. The book stands as a timely blend of criticism and research.